Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Inside Town Hall - City Channel 16

In the current episode of Inside Town Hall on City Channel 16 Councilman Kenny Anderson Jr and Parks Director Don Kearney talk about our proposal to allow Singletrack in Leaders Park.

See it now...here. The segment is middle third of the show.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Are We There Yet?

FAST has been in the news a couple times since the neighborhood meeting. Both articles chose headlines highlighting the “fretting” of the neighbor(s?) over the coming together of the cycling community to improve healthy recreational opportunities in Sioux Falls.

The Argus Leader story is here.

The KELO story is here.

The best response to this media coverage is to share support for singletrack in Sioux Falls with the Parks Department. Do that through their website devoted to FAST and this project, which is here.


In the meantime communication remains open between FAST and the parks department. They are gathering feedback and doing their best to address the concerns of the neighborhood. It sounds like the FAST proposal will go before the Parks Board in the early part of next year.

We are not there. Yet.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Neighborhood Meeting Complete

Wednesday Chris presented the FAST proposal to roughly 40 people. Many in attendance were residents living near Leaders Park. There were lots of really good questions. There was plenty of support for our proposal. There were a few folks who were not supportive.

The Park and Recreation people continue to solicit feedback from the public through their website. Please visit the page here and leave some feedback.

The next step for the proposal is a review by the Park's Board. They will review the feedback and weigh the feedback...